Title: Shadows of Deception: The Chronicles of SicariiLevy

Asuquo Levy Eyo Jr
3 min readMay 21, 2023


Summary of the book:

Enter the world of cyber espionage and follow the enigmatic hacker, SicariiLevy, as they challenge the boundaries of security and leave authorities baffled. With a mix of comedy, sci-fi, and espionage, this thrilling tale explores the cat-and-mouse game between SicariiLevy and the relentless cybercrime fighters, Agent Chip and Detective Stripe. Dive into the realm of cybercrime, where no secret is safe and no hacker is beyond capture.

Join SicariiLevy on their electrifying journey, where the realms of espionage, comedy, and science fiction intertwine. Discover the world of cybercrime and witness the relentless pursuit of justice. In the end, no matter how clever or skilled the characters may be, the forces of law and order will always find a way to catch their quarry and restore balance in the digital realm.


Once upon a time, in the dark corners of the cyber realm, there was a mysterious and elusive hacker known as SicariiLevy. With a cunning mind and unmatched skills, SicariiLevy was a legend in the world of cyber espionage. Nobody knew their true identity or where they hailed from, for SicariiLevy was a master of disguise and manipulation.

SicariiLevy was like a phantom, slipping through the digital shadows, leaving no trace behind. Their exploits were spoken of in hushed whispers among hackers and security experts alike. They were known for their audacious heists and their ability to infiltrate even the most secure networks.

Rumor had it that SicariiLevy was a polyglot, speaking seven languages fluently. This linguistic prowess allowed them to traverse the globe with ease, seamlessly blending into different cultures and fooling authorities with their fake identities. Some said that SicariiLevy had honed their skills at a century-old Catholic seminary school in Ogoja, an obscure town in Africa.

Their hacking techniques were like pieces of an intricate puzzle. SicariiLevy was a master of exploits like buffer overflow and Webdavhijacking, utilizing them to breach impenetrable defenses. They possessed an arsenal of tools and techniques that seemed straight out of a science fiction movie, defying conventional notions of cyber security.

But despite their unparalleled abilities, SicariiLevy had a code. They had a moral compass that guided their actions. While they reveled in the thrill of the chase and the adrenaline of their exploits, they never used their skills for personal gain or malicious intent. Instead, they sought to expose vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the system, forcing organizations to strengthen their defenses.

The enigmatic SicariiLevy had become a legend, a symbol of both fear and admiration in the world of cybersecurity. Governments and corporations alike feared their presence, knowing that their secrets were not safe from SicariiLevy’s prying eyes. They had become a force to be reckoned with, a symbol of justice in a world riddled with cyber threats.

Little did SicariiLevy know that their actions had caught the attention of Agent Chip and Detective Stripe, two relentless cybercrime fighters determined to bring them to justice. The battle between SicariiLevy and the dynamic duo would become legendary, a clash of wits and skills that would shape the future of cyber security.

In this thrilling tale of cat and mouse, the line between hero and villain becomes blurred. As SicariiLevy navigates through a web of intrigue and deception, they must confront their own inner demons and face the consequences of their actions. Will they continue down the path of cyber espionage, or will they find redemption in the unlikeliest of places?



Asuquo Levy Eyo Jr

Technologist, Full Stack Developer, Mixed Reality Engineer, Certified Ethical Hacker, Master Grower(Botanist), Content Creator, Paralegal, Tax Accountant,AIE