Steps of Love

Asuquo Levy Eyo Jr
5 min readApr 14, 2024


In the dance of love, there lies a sacred journey. It is a journey of two souls entwined, navigating the highs and lows of life hand in hand. Join Asuquo and Dominique as they embark on this beautiful odyssey, discovering the essence of love through ten fundamental steps.


In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, Asuquo and Dominique found solace in each other’s arms. Their love story began with a simple promise: to dance through life together, come what may. Little did they know, this promise would lead them on a journey of growth, resilience, and unwavering devotion.

Write a spoken word or tell an interactive poem about the topic below

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” — Winston Churchill

Steps on keeping A successful marriage “

To Domonique, my better half, my guiding light,

In your presence, everything feels just right.

With laughter as our daily song,

Together, we’ll dance through life, all day long.

I promise to be the one to dry your tears,

And hold you close, calming all your fears.

In moments of joy or sorrow’s embrace,

I’ll stand by your side, in every space.

With every hug, I’ll give my all,

To lift you up when you may fall.

Together, we’ll chase each dream in sight,

And bask in the glow of our shared delight.

I vow to be your strength in times of trial,

To lend a hand, go the extra mile.

As you soar to heights, I’ll be there to cheer,

In your success, I’ll find my greatest joy, my dear.

As your friend, your lover, your husband true,

I’ll be the one who’s always there for you.

Your confidant, your partner, through thick and thin,

In this journey of love, our hearts will always win.

So here’s my promise, sincere and devout,

To be more than a constituent, without a doubt.

For in you, Domonique, I’ve found my soul’s mate,

Together, we’ll build a love that’s infinite.

Once upon a time, in a cozy little house nestled among the whispering trees, there lived a husband and wife named Asuquo and Dominique. Their love story was one of unwavering devotion and effective communication, built on the foundation of mutual respect and understanding.

In their daily interactions, Asuquo and Dominique embraced the art of effective communication, inspired by the teachings of Ericksonian therapy. They understood the power of words, both spoken and unspoken, in nurturing their bond and fostering intimacy.

In the morning light, as they savored their first cup of coffee together, Asuquo would gaze into Dominique’s eyes and express his gratitude for her presence in his life. With gentle words and loving gestures, he reassured her of his unwavering support and commitment, setting the tone for the day ahead.

Throughout the day, as they navigated life’s challenges and triumphs, Asuquo and Dominique communicated openly and honestly with each other. They listened attentively, without judgment or interruption, and validated each other’s feelings and experiences. Through active listening and empathy, they created a safe space for vulnerability and shared their deepest hopes and fears.

In moments of joy, Asuquo and Dominique celebrated together, basking in the warmth of their shared laughter and affection. They embraced each other wholeheartedly, reveling in the simple joys of companionship and love.

And when tears fell, as they inevitably do in life’s journey, Asuquo was there to wipe them away, offering comfort and solace in his loving embrace. With gentle words of reassurance, he reminded Dominique of her strength and resilience, standing by her side through every trial and tribulation.

Together, Asuquo and Dominique danced through life, hand in hand, their hearts beating in perfect harmony. With every step they took, they honored their vows to each other, promising to be each other’s rock in times of need and each other’s beacon of light in times of darkness.

Their love story was a testament to the transformative power of effective communication, proving that through open hearts and open minds, two souls can create a love that is truly infinite. And so, in the quiet moments of their shared existence, Asuquo whispered to Dominique, “In your presence, everything feels just right. Together, we’ll dance through life, all day long.”


As the curtain falls on their love story, Asuquo and Dominique stand stronger than ever before. Through communication, empathy, and boundless love, they have conquered every obstacle that came their way. And as they continue to dance through life, their hearts beat as one, forever entwined in the eternal rhythm of love.

“poetic composition.”

In the dance of love, let’s take a chance,

Step by step, let’s learn the dance.

To keep our marriage strong and true,

Let’s explore the steps, just me and you.

Step one, my love, is communication,

A foundation strong, a solid sensation.

With words that heal and hearts that hear,

Let’s talk it out, without any fear.

Step two, my dear, is empathy,

Understanding each other, you and me.

In joy or sorrow, hand in hand,

Let’s walk together, across life’s land.

Step three, my love, is support and care,

To be there for you, always aware.

In times of trial, I’ll lend a hand,

Together we’ll rise, and firmly we’ll stand.

Step four, my dear, is laughter and joy,

To cherish each moment, without any ploy.

With smiles that shine and laughter that sings,

Let’s dance through life, with joyful wings.

Step five, my love, is resilience and grace,

To face life’s challenges, in every place.

With courage strong and spirits bright,

Together we’ll conquer, with all our might.

So, my darling, let’s take this chance,

To dance through life, in a joyous trance.

With love as our guide, and courage as our creed,

Together forever, in every deed.

Step six, my love, is forgiveness and growth,

In moments of tension, let’s take an oath.

To let go of grudges, and learn from mistakes,

And embrace each other, whatever it takes.

Step seven, my dear, is dreams and goals,

To support each other’s heart’s true roles.

With aspirations high and visions clear,

Let’s chase our dreams, with nothing to fear.

Step eight, my love, is patience and time,

To cherish each moment, like a precious rhyme.

With patience as our virtue, and time as our friend,

Let’s savor the journey, from beginning to end.

Step nine, my dear, is gratitude and love,

To count our blessings, from skies above.

With hearts full of thanks and souls intertwined,

Let’s cherish each other, forever entwined.

Step ten, my love, is commitment strong,

To stand by each other, all life long.

With vows we’ve made, and promises kept,

Let’s journey together, while dreams are swept.

So, my darling, let’s continue this dance,

With steps of love and sweet romance.

For in your arms, I’ve found my home,

Together forever, we’ll never roam.



Asuquo Levy Eyo Jr

Technologist, Full Stack Developer, Mixed Reality Engineer, Certified Ethical Hacker, Master Grower(Botanist), Content Creator, Paralegal, Tax Accountant,AIE