
Asuquo Levy Eyo Jr
6 min readSep 5, 2024

Revelation Of Apostolic Rebirth: Returning to the Original Teachings and Power of the Holy Spirit**

The Roar of the Spirit”

In the midst of the stillness, there came a roar,

A mighty rushing wind from heaven’s door.

Tongues of fire danced above each head,

The Holy Spirit moved, the Church was fed.

The roar of a lion, the Lion of Judah,

Breaking chains of sin, setting captives freer.

Hearts ablaze with His holy flame,

Boldly we proclaim His Name.

Rise up, O saints, with a holy shout,

The Spirit within us cannot be put out.

Rivers of living water flow from our core,

Revival is coming; can you hear the ROAR?

Signs and wonders follow those who believe,

The Spirit’s gifts, for all to receive.

We tread upon serpents, with power and grace,

Proclaiming His kingdom in every place.

So let the Church arise with a mighty cry,

The Spirit’s anointing from on high.

We are His vessels, His chosen, His voice,

In the roar of the Spirit, we boldly rejoice.

In today’s world, where many seek spiritual renewal and a deeper connection with the divine, the concept of an “Apostolic Rebirth” presents a compelling call to return to the original teachings of the apostles and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. This idea is not merely a nostalgic longing for the early days of the Church but a profound and necessary reorientation towards the authentic, dynamic faith that characterized the apostolic era. The Apostolic Rebirth emphasizes the essence of the early Church’s purity, doctrinal soundness, and the Spirit-led life that resulted in extraordinary miracles, community transformation, and the spreading of the Gospel with power.

The Apostolic Foundation

The early Church was established on the teachings of the apostles, who were personally chosen and commissioned by Jesus Christ. These apostles were not only witnesses of Christ’s resurrection but also carriers of His divine authority, entrusted with the foundational doctrines that would shape the Christian faith. Their teachings were rooted in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and they were empowered by the Holy Spirit to preach, heal, and transform lives.

The New Testament records the powerful manifestations of the Holy Spirit that accompanied the apostles’ ministry. From the Day of Pentecost, when the Spirit descended like tongues of fire (Acts 2:1–4), to the bold preaching that resulted in thousands coming to faith, to miraculous healings and even the raising of the dead, the apostles demonstrated a life fully surrendered to the Spirit’s guidance. The early Church was marked by a deep commitment to prayer, fellowship, breaking of bread, and adherence to apostolic doctrine (Acts 2:42). The Revelation of Apostolic Rebirth seeks to recapture this essence — calling believers back to the core principles and spiritual dynamics that were so evident in the early Church.

A Call to Doctrinal Purity

The Apostolic Rebirth involves a return to doctrinal purity, as laid out by the apostles. In a time when the Church is often bombarded with diluted or distorted teachings that stray from biblical truth, the call to Apostolic Rebirth is a call to realign with the original teachings of Scripture. The apostles were clear in their teachings about salvation, repentance, baptism, the infilling of the Holy Spirit, and the anticipation of Christ’s return. Today, many believers have become complacent or confused by conflicting doctrines. The Apostolic Rebirth emphasizes a commitment to biblical truth, urging a revival of sound doctrine, fervent prayer, and genuine worship rooted in Spirit and truth.

Returning to these teachings means rediscovering the weight of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18–20), the call to discipleship, and the necessity of living lives that reflect the transformative power of the Gospel. This Apostolic Rebirth is about confronting complacency, theological compromise, and lukewarmness within the Church, advocating instead for a robust and unyielding faith grounded in the timeless truths of Scripture.

Rediscovering the Power of the Holy Spirit

At the heart of the Apostolic Rebirth is the emphasis on the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. The early Church was not merely a gathering of believers; it was a dynamic, Spirit-filled community where the supernatural was a daily occurrence. The apostles did not rely on human wisdom or eloquence but on the power of God (1 Corinthians 2:4–5). Signs, wonders, miracles, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit were central to their ministry.

In our modern era, the Church often relies on programs, strategies, and human efforts rather than the power of the Holy Spirit. The Revelation of Apostolic Rebirth is a call to return to Spirit-led ministry — one that embraces the gifts and manifestations of the Spirit as essential for advancing God’s kingdom. This involves not just a theological understanding of the Holy Spirit but a lived experience, where believers are continually filled with the Spirit, empowered to witness, and bold in their faith.

The Apostolic Rebirth encourages a rekindling of the Pentecostal fire that ignited the early Church. It calls for believers to seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit, to operate in spiritual gifts such as prophecy, healing, and discernment, and to be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading in every aspect of life. It is a call to move beyond the ordinary and step into the extraordinary — experiencing the fullness of God’s power, just as the apostles did.

Building a Spirit-Filled Community

The early Church was a close-knit community that thrived on fellowship, shared resources, and mutual support. Acts 2:44–47 describes how believers “had all things in common” and “broke bread from house to house.” This unity and generosity were not just human efforts but the result of the Holy Spirit’s work in their hearts. The Apostolic Rebirth vision includes restoring this sense of community — where believers live as one body, united in purpose, love, and mission.

In a world that often values individualism and materialism, the Apostolic Rebirth emphasizes the importance of building a community that reflects the heart of God. It calls for a Church that is not only Spirit-filled but also Spirit-led, where believers are devoted to one another, sharing their lives and resources, praying together, and encouraging one another in their walk with God.

The Urgency of Apostolic Rebirth

The call to Apostolic Rebirth is urgent. The world is in desperate need of a Church that not only speaks of God’s power but also demonstrates it. The early apostles turned the world upside down because they were fully aligned with God’s will and filled with His Spirit (Acts 17:6). Today, the Church is called to rise with that same authority and fervor, to bring the transformative message of the Gospel to every corner of the earth.

The Revelation of Apostolic Rebirth is not a new movement but a return to the original blueprint of the Church — a Church that is doctrinally pure, Spirit-filled, and missionally focused. It is a call to every believer to embrace their apostolic calling, to seek God passionately, and to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Revelation of Apostolic Rebirth is a divine invitation to return to the roots of our faith, to embrace the teachings of the apostles, and to live in the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s power. It is a call to rediscover the transformative, dynamic, and life-changing faith that turned the world upside down in the first century. As believers today, we are called to carry that same apostolic flame, to be bold witnesses, and to usher in a new era of spiritual awakening and revival. It is time for the Church to roar again with the power of the Holy Spirit, embodying the essence of true apostolic Christianity.



Asuquo Levy Eyo Jr

Technologist, Full Stack Developer, Mixed Reality Engineer, Certified Ethical Hacker, Master Grower(Botanist), Content Creator, Paralegal, Tax Accountant,AIE