Impact of Language and Belief

Asuquo Levy Eyo Jr
4 min read6 days ago

In whispers light and shadows bold,

Words weave tales, both new and old.

A spoken curse, a blessing’s flight,

Shapes our days and rules the night.

Silent arrows, hearts they pierce,

Or healing balm, all pain they nurse.

From tongue to ear, the magic flows,

Seeds of hope or fear it sows.

A phrase can lift, a word can bind,

In gentle whispers, truth you’ll find.

Guard your speech, choose wisely now,

For words create the why and how.

In this riddle, life’s truth unfurls,

Our words, the keys to changing worlds.

Today, I stand before you to discuss a matter of profound importance — one that touches every aspect of our lives, from the psychological to the sociological, and even the physiological. I speak of the power of words and prophecy, and how life and death indeed lie in the power of the tongue.

Psychological Perspective

From a psychological standpoint, words hold immense power over our mental and emotional well-being. When we label someone as a “deadbeat dad,” we do more than just describe their behavior; we also influence their self-perception and potential for change. Psychologists have long studied the effects of labeling and self-fulfilling prophecies. When a person is repeatedly told they are worthless, irresponsible, or incapable, these words can become ingrained in their psyche, shaping their self-identity and limiting their ability to grow and improve.

Sociological Perspective

Sociologically, the words we use and the labels we attach to people can have far-reaching consequences on communities and societies. Calling someone a “deadbeat dad” not only stigmatizes the individual but also perpetuates a negative stereotype that can affect entire groups. This label can create a self-perpetuating cycle of blame and shame, discouraging men from seeking help or striving to become better fathers. It fosters an environment where negative behaviors are expected and accepted, rather than challenged and transformed.

Furthermore, these labels impact the children involved, who may internalize the stigma and carry it into their own lives. The ripple effect of our words can therefore influence future generations, perpetuating cycles of dysfunction and despair.

Physiological Perspective

Physiologically, the stress and emotional turmoil caused by negative words and labels can have serious health implications. Chronic stress, often fueled by constant criticism and negative labeling, can lead to a host of physical ailments, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and weakened immune function. The body and mind are deeply interconnected, and the wounds inflicted by harmful words can manifest in physical health issues, affecting the overall well-being of individuals and families.

The Power of Prophetic Utterances

In the realm of faith, we find a powerful principle: “Calling those things which are not as though they were.” This idea, rooted in spiritual belief, teaches us that our words have the power to shape reality. When we speak positively and with faith, we can bring about positive change. Conversely, negative and destructive speech can perpetuate negativity and despair.

“The just shall live by faith, not by sight.” This profound statement reminds us that we are not limited by our current circumstances. We have the power to envision a better future and speak it into existence. Our words can build up or tear down, heal or harm, create or destroy.

Women and the Power of Words

To the women among us, I implore you to recognize the power of your words, especially towards the men in your lives. Instead of cursing or condemning, choose to speak life, hope, and encouragement. Prophetic utterances have the power to transform lives. When you call out the best in others, you help them rise to their potential. Instead of labeling a man a “deadbeat dad,” speak to the father he can become. Encourage, uplift, and believe in the possibility of change.


In conclusion, the power of words and prophecy cannot be underestimated. Psychologically, sociologically, and physiologically, our words shape our reality. We must be mindful of the labels we attach to others and the narratives we create with our speech. Let us choose words that build, heal, and inspire. Let us call forth the potential in others, speaking life and hope into their circumstances.

Remember, life and death truly lie in the power of the tongue. Let us use our words wisely and with intention, knowing that with each utterance, we have the power to shape a better world for ourselves and for those around us.

Thank you.



Asuquo Levy Eyo Jr

Technologist, Full Stack Developer, Mixed Reality Engineer, Certified Ethical Hacker, Master Grower(Botanist), Content Creator, Paralegal, Tax Accountant,AIE