Digital Tapestry: Brushstrokes of Expression in the Online Canvas”

Asuquo Levy Eyo Jr
3 min readNov 25, 2023


In the digital tapestry, a canvas vast,

Posts and tweets, a world amassed.

Each brushstroke, a story unfolds,

In the interconnected, tales are told.

A tweet, a stroke of concise prose,

A story in moments, where connection grows.

Yet within this canvas, a subtle design,

A hierarchy crafted by algorithms’ sign.

Algorithms dance in lines of code,

Shaping visibility on the digital road.

Engagement, the heartbeat, the pulse,

Determines whose voice takes a louder pulse.

Trends emerge, a cultural tide,

In this vast landscape, where voices abide.

A nuanced interplay, a symphony of expression,

Within the matrix of the online session.

A post, a pixel in the grand design,

A story told, a moment to shine.

Yet not all strokes get the spotlight,

In this digital world, a complex plight.

Each voice, a color in this dynamic art,

A portrait of humanity, a work of heart.

In the tapestry of posts and trends,

A kaleidoscope where connection transcends.

So let the brushstrokes paint the scene,

In the vast landscape where posts convene.

For in each tweet and story’s rendition,

Resides the beauty of online expression.

So now let’s explore the

“Layers of Influence: Unraveling Social Stratification in the Digital Realms of Medium Magazine, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and Instagram”

My findings and research on

Social stratification, the division of society into different hierarchical layers based on various factors, is evident in social media platforms and profoundly influences the experiences of writers across platforms like Medium Magazine, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and Instagram.

1. **Medium Magazine:**

. — **Meritocracy and Recognition:** Writers on Medium often navigate a meritocratic landscape where the visibility of their content is influenced by claps, comments, and engagement. Recognition is tied to the perceived quality of their work, creating a digital hierarchy of writers.

. — **Monetization and Access:** Medium’s Partner Program introduces a financial dimension, creating a stratification based on the ability to monetize content. This can impact who has access to resources and opportunities within the platform.

2. **Facebook:**

. — **Algorithmic Influence:** Facebook’s algorithm plays a significant role in determining the visibility of content. Popular writers or those with more engagement might find their work reaching a wider audience, contributing to a stratification of influence.

. — **Community Building:** Groups and pages on Facebook create communities where certain voices may dominate, reinforcing social hierarchies. Writers with access to influential networks can leverage these spaces for increased visibility.

3. **Twitter:**

. — **Followers and Influence:** Twitter’s emphasis on followers can create a stratified environment where writers with larger followings gain more visibility. Retweets and likes contribute to a writer’s influence within the platform.

. — **Hashtag Activism:** Certain writers may benefit more from hashtag activism, contributing to the stratification of voices in discussions around social issues.

4. **LinkedIn:**

. — **Professional Recognition:** LinkedIn, being a professional network, stratifies writers based on their industry influence. Visibility and opportunities can be influenced by one’s professional connections and endorsements.

. — **Content Format:** Long-form articles might gain more traction, creating a stratification between those who excel in this format and those who don’t.

5. **Snapchat:**

. — **Youth Culture and Trends:** Snapchat’s emphasis on visual and ephemeral content can create a stratification based on an understanding of youth culture and trending topics. Writers who align with these trends may find greater success.

. — **Influencer Culture:** Snapchat’s culture of influencers can stratify writers based on their ability to engage and attract a younger audience.

6. **Instagram:**

. — **Visual Appeal:** Instagram’s visual-centric nature can stratify writers based on the aesthetics of their content. Those who excel in visually appealing storytelling may have an advantage.

. — **Follower Counts:** Like other platforms, the number of followers on Instagram can influence a writer’s visibility and impact within the platform.

In summary, social stratification is inherent in the dynamics of social media platforms. Writers’ experiences are shaped by factors such as visibility, engagement, follower counts, and adherence to platform-specific trends. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for writers seeking to navigate and succeed within the diverse landscapes of Medium Magazine, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and Instagram.



Asuquo Levy Eyo Jr

Technologist, Full Stack Developer, Mixed Reality Engineer, Certified Ethical Hacker, Master Grower(Botanist), Content Creator, Paralegal, Tax Accountant,AIE